Board Meeting Minutes

Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
October 16, 2024

The Board met at the County Grille at 9 AM. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Deborah McClintock (Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Marianne Dennison, Donna Taylor and Greg Wolfrey.

Livia opened the meeting at 9:00 AM

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from July 7, 2024 were approved as distributed.

Upcoming Exhibitions and Receptions: Richard McClintock was absent due to illness. Paul reminded everyone of the All Members November/December exhibit at Riverside Café. Hangings for November/December paintings will be on Sunday, Oct. 27th at 2 PM. The rest of the schedule is listed in the CVA Newsletter.

Upcoming Workshops and Lectures: Deborah said that only one person has signed up for the “Still Life in Charcoal” workshop on October 26th. The workshop would be held in the LCVA basement form 10 AM – 3 PM. She may have to reschedule. There are a few people signed up for Ursula Burgess’s “Painterly Watercolor” 4-day workshop on November 4 - 7, 2024 from 9:30 AM - 3:30 PM. She also said there are 3 upcoming lectures: John Plashal on November 17, on Belmead, Elizabeth Schlatter on December1 on "How does an exhibition happen?" and on March 17, "The Role of Text in Art." These would be held in the meeting room of the Farmville-Prince Edward Public Library. Paul said he has pushed these on Facebook and listed them in the CVA Newsletter. There was discussion about listing these in the Farmville-Herald which does receive the CVA Newsletter.

Farmville Art Walk update: Paul announced that the Art Walk will be held on Saturday, April 26, 2025. There is a sub-committee working on raising funds for art awards. Paul asked Deborah to remind Richard that he agreed to work on posters for the Art Walk. There has been discussion about the possibility of having wine tastings in The Mill during the Art Walk.

New Beginnings Party: The date for the party was set for Sunday, January 26, 2025 from 2 – 5 PM. Paul will contact Heinz Jones about having it at The Mill. We may have to pay $100 to rent the space.

Board of Directors Vacancies: Martha Louis agreed to replace Betty Fanelli who is going off the Board and Richard McClintock agreed to another term. Marianne Dennison was filling in for one year and agreed to a full term. Livia Barros-Gonzalez agreed to serve another term as President. All directors and officers will be voted on at the New Beginnings Party.

Exhibit Space: With Riverside Café on the market, the discussion centered around possible spaces/opportunities for exhibiting art. Livia looked into 201 Main St. where the Brewhouse is located. Anastasia Cifers owns the building and offered space in the basement which has two small offices and a long room. Walls are incomplete and more work would have to be done to create “exhibit space.” It would cost CVA $100 month for all the spaces, but just a small office would be no charge. It has stairs, an elevator and handicapped access. It could be a space for classes, lectures, receptions, etc. It would have to be staffed and the exhibits would be the only draw to the basement. Other possibilities include the Old Mill St. Bakery (in the middle of the same block as Uptown Coffee) but it has brick walls and how to hang artwork would have to be figured out. The Prizery (on Third St behind LCVA) is owned by Walk-to-Campus. It has plenty of window space. The owner is Matt King. Carlisle Wade is also a contact person. Greg suggested that CVA should come up with criteria for what CVA needs, such as wall conditions, hangings, accessibility and what we should look for before we go to see any building/space. A committee to develop the criteria will consist of Tom Dennison, Greg Wolfrey and Paul Hoffman.

Donna asked about the space on the third floor of the courthouse. Livia said that Rachel Ivers had offered the space, but Livia did not get any response from CVA members. Rachel is still interested in CVA members exhibiting there.

Financial and Membership Report: Paul distributed the report and updated membership list. Expenses from Jan. 1, 2024 – September 30, totaled $3,354.11 and income was $2,975.00. The account balance is $6,328.80.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for January 15, 2025 at 9 AM at the County Grille.


Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
July 17, 2024

The Board met at the County Grille at 9:00 am. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Marianne Dennison, Donna Taylor, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey, and Robin Sedgwick.

Livia opened the meeting at 9:04 am.

Secretary’s Report:

A motion to approve the minutes as distributed was made by Greg Wolfrey, and seconded by Donna Taylor. Motion passed.

Upcoming Exhibitions and Receptions:
  • The next art hanging (Deborah, Marianne, and Ursula) will be Sunday, September 1, at 2:00 pm
  • The next Artists Reception will be Friday, September 6, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
  • All Members Show hanging will be Sunday, October 27, at 2:00 pm
  • All Members Artists Reception will be Friday, November 1, 6:00 – 8:00 pm
  • Courthouse Exhibit
  • Can start any time
  • Art can be for sale, but prices cannot be posted, just artist’s contact info
  • Livia will finalize details and coordinate
  • Newsletter will include information about the need for artists to sign up for Riverside Café exhibits (including the All Members Show) and the Courthouse Exhibit
Farmville Art Walk Update:

The committee is not meeting over the summer. But, in the meantime, an issue about the date for 2025 came up because the Wine Festival moved from April 26 to April 19. Paul surveyed the Booth Vendors, the Art Walk Committee, and all CVA Members. A small majority favored staying with April 26, 2025. After Pat Howe pointed out that April 20, 2025 will be Easter Sunday, by electronic vote the Committee unanimously voted to stay with April 26, 2025. For 2024, the Art Walk netted a profit of $172.56.

“Borrowed Space Gallery” Concept:

There was a lot of discussion about this concept, especially since Riverside Café is now for sale. Several ideas were discussed about possible borrowed and permanent venues.
  • The Board asked Richard McClintock to approach LCVA about their two storefronts on West 3rd as a permanent CVA venue.
  • The Ironworks building, formerly the Ferguson Gallery, on Main Street was also discussed as a “borrowed” space
  • The Hotel Weyanoke remodeled downstairs was also discussed as a “borrowed” space, or a new permanent venue
  • The Uptown Coffee Café was also discussed as a “borrowed” space, or a new permanent venue
  • The Frame Shop (Christopher Mason) on 2nd Street was also discussed as a “borrowed” space
Other Marketing Ideas:

Livia had a number of ideas to increase the presence of mind for CVA, including:
  • CVA Posters
  • More social media presence with an eye to recruit email signups
  • Use downtown professional storefront windows to display member’s art
  • Engage the Longwood University Art Department heads, and by extension, Longwood students
  • Have a CVA booth at the HOV in September
  • Discuss with HOV committee the potential for a reduced rate for artists who want booths at the HOV
  • CVA participation in the FDP “Welcome Back” event this summer
Financial and Membership Reports:

Paul distributed the report and an updated membership list. Expenses from Jan. 1, 2024 – June 30, 2024 totaled $3,171.44 and income was $2,953.80. The account balance is $6,490.27. The Art Walk netted a profit of $172.56. However, trends in membership dues paid are declining which presents a long-term problem for CVA.

Next meeting:

9:00 am, on Wednesday, October 16, 2024, at the County Grille.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:34 am.

Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman

Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
April 18, 2024

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 12 noon. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Marianne Dennison, Donna Taylor and Greg Wolfrey.

Livia opened the meeting at 12:20 PM.

Secretary’s Report: Approved as distributed.

Upcoming Exhibitions and Receptions: Paul distributed the schedule that Richard McClintock compiled. April 28th at 1 PM will be the change-out for the “All Members” May/June exhibit. The opening reception will be May 3rd from 6-8 PM. June 30th at 1 PM will be the change-out for the Three Artists July/August exhibit. July 12th will be the opening reception to avoid the July 4th holiday. September 1st will be the change-out for the Three Artists September/October exhibit. The opening reception will be September 6th from 6-8 PM. October 27th will be the change-out day for the “All Members” November/December exhibit. Opening reception will be Nov. 1st at 6 PM. Dec. 29th will be the change-out for the Three Artists show for January/February, 2025. Jan. 3rd will be the opening reception from 6-8 PM. March 2, 2025 will be the change-out for the Three Artists March/April exhibit. March 7th will be the opening reception. April 26th (presumed) will be the Art Walk in Farmville. April 27th will be the change-out for the “All-Members” May/June exhibit. May 2nd will be the opening reception. June 29th will be the change-out for the Three Artists July/August exhibit. July 11th will be the opening reception. August 31st will be the change-out for the Three Artists September/October exhibit. September 5th will be the opening reception. November 2nd will be the change-out for the “All Members” November/December exhibit. Nov. 7th will be the opening reception from 6-8 PM.

Farmville Art Walk update: The committee had requested that LCVA have an activity for children during the Art Walk. They said that they would open their doors at 10 AM instead of 11 AM. The Train Station will be open. There will be a vendors’ informational table near the Train Station. Paul distributed the sheet that will be handed out to vendors with guidelines and a map of designated spaces, where to unload and park. Livia will check with Richard McClintock about a one-page membership form. Livia suggested that we should also provide membership benefits. This led to discussions about workshops and utilizing local talent. Past workshops involved working through VMFA. “Passports” will be distributed at the vendors’ informational table and the large tent near the caboose. Winners will be alternately drawn on the hour from Red Door and the vendors’ information booth. Paul will place a locked box in each area for passports to be dropped in. $50 cash prizes will be given hourly from 12 to 3 PM. Businesses have donated coupons, gifts, etc. to be given away from 11 – 3 PM in addition to the cash prizes.

There was discussion about additional help for vendors during set up and take down. Paul said that Emily Gantt, H-SC Student Admission, said it was during exam time and they prefer that students not get involved in extra-curricular activities during that time. Livia said she approached people from FACES during the LCVA Gala about assistance. Paul will “paint” the spaces on Thursday or Friday. Donna will have the large 20’ x 30’ tent set-up on Friday. She will contact Paul about time. Paul has plenty of signs including those that thank Centra for sponsoring the Art Walk with a $1,000 grant through the Farmville Downtown Partnership.

Borrowed Space Gallery: Livia had questioned the concept of the “Borrowed Space Gallery.” Marianne Dennison said that it started with about 10 artists from CVA when Pat Thorne was CVA President. It was separate from CVA and juried into a co-op. Marianne believed there still to be some property from “Art of VA,” the name of the Borrowed Space Gallery co-op, such as a cell phone and bank account. The idea was to have an art gallery in places that were being sold and the artists could move out within 24 hours. They may have paid for electricity but very little cost. It had been in the Mill, next to the yogurt place and Audrey Sullivan’s Red Door before she bought it. Artists would take turns minding the gallery. Livia mentioned that there is a “triangle” across from McDonald’s where First Bank and two houses are situated that could be considered if there was interest.

Financial and Membership Report: Paul distributed the report and updated membership list. Expenses from Jan. 1, 2024 – April 15, 2024 totaled $2,056.13 and income was $2,680.00. The account balance is $7,331.78. He still has to pay $220 for the tent and take out $200 for the cash prizes.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe

Next meeting is scheduled for 12 PM on Thursday, July 18, 2024 at Riverside Café.


Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees

January 18, 2024

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 12 noon. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Robin Sedgwick (Past President), Deborah McClintock (Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock and Donna Taylor.

Livia opened the meeting at 12:10 PM.

Secretary’s Report: Approved as distributed.

Exhibitions and Receptions: The reception for the current showing at Riverside (Mary Frances Peca and Livia Barros-Gonzalez) will be February 16th from 6 – 8 PM. Richard announced that he had one person signed up for the March/April exhibition at Riverside. He would like one more. The show will change March 3rd. The May/June exhibit will be an “All Members” exhibit. July/August needs one more artist. September/October has 3 artists showing. November/December is an “All Members” exhibit.

Livia asked if the Courthouse was still interested in artists works on the third floor. There is a wall with public space near Juvenile Court. Art work should be suitable for young children. It would be a long-term exhibit similar to the Health Dept. Richard will make contact with Rachel Ivers. Art work will have artist contact information but no prices. Possibly exhibit mid-May, after the CVA Art Walk.

Livia announced that LCVA has a call out for local artists to create a piece that shares their perspectives of disability and what that means to them. The exhibit called First, People is open to residents of Southside Virginia and all students, faculty, staff and families of Longwood University. Deadline is Feb. 1, 2024. For more information:

Debbie announced that the CVA Workshop Playing with Gourds, with local artist Annie Hyde, will be on Saturday, February 24, 2024.

New Beginnings party is Sunday, Jan. 21 from 2 – 5 PM at The Mill next to Charley’s.

Officers and Board Members: Greg Wolfrey’s term as Board member is up. He will be asked if he’s willing to serve another term. Patty Vance has moved to Richmond. Marianne Dennison will be asked if she will finish Patty’s term through 2024. Current officers have agreed to serve another term. Nominations and elections will be approved at the New Beginnings party.

Art Walk update: the committee has been meeting and applications for artists/artisans is on the CVA website. Space cost is $45 for non-CVA members and $20 for CVA members. There is no charge for musicians or face painters, etc. Paul has built Facebook and Instagram pages and “boosted” the pages. It has also been shared with “What’s Happening in Farmville.” Richard has created a logo and Paul will create a flyer with a QR code linked to the CVA Art Walk website. Livia will post them around Longwood with approval. Flyers should also be displayed in storefronts, library, etc. The committee is designing a “passport” for attendees to be eligible for hourly prizes. The committee will need a map of the Farmville area so vendor spaces can be marked off, specifically the High Bridge Trail from the Train Station to the town. Paul announced that he has 7 applications so far. Promotion suggestions included: send flyers to Julie Krake in Blackstone and schools and individual art teachers. Involve Longwood students. Livia said there will be an “Involvement Fair” on Longwood’s campus. She will look into that. She will also see if LCVA would be willing to have a children’s art workshop. The committee has talked about contacting local Boy Scout Troops and LU sports teams for assistance in setting up and taking down equipment. Paul announced that Nancy Alexander of Downtown Farmville Partnership has resigned.

Financial and Membership Report: Paul distributed the report. Included was the webpage renewal fee and the costs to “boost” CVA events on Facebook. Last year’s expenses totaled $3,138.06 and income was $2,602.75. The account balance is $5,918.92.

Meeting schedule: This year, the Board will meet on the third Thursday of each quarter. Tentative schedule for future Board meetings at Riverside Café includes April 18, 2024 at noon; July 18, 2024 at noon and October 17, 2024 at noon.

Meeting adjourned at 1:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe

Next meeting is scheduled for 12 PM on Thursday, April 18, 2024 at Riverside Café.


Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
October 2, 2023

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Robin Sedgwick (Past President), Deborah McClintock (Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey and Donna Taylor.

Livia opened the meeting at 9:08 AM.

Secretary’s Report: Approved as distributed.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the financial report from Jan. 1 through Sept. 29, 2023. Income totaled $1,103.60 and expenses totaled $1,597.49. Account balance totals $5,960.34.

Upcoming Exhibitions and Receptions Schedules:

1. Richard announced the 2024 sign-ups for exhibitions at Riverside. Jan.–Feb., 1 person; March–April, 1 person; May–June, All Members Exhibit; July-Aug., 1 person; Sept.-Oct., 3 people; Nov.-Dec., All Member Exhibit. There are still openings for exhibitions.

2. Workshops are listed on the CVA website. They run from 10 AM – 3 PM. Cost for members is $25 and non-members $45. Saturday, October 28, Kendra Wadsworth (VMFA) will give a workshop on painting Pet Portraits; Saturday, November 4, Leigh Anne Chambers (VMFA) will give a workshop called Introduction to Abstraction using an object for reference; Saturday, December 9, local artist Angie Medler will give a workshop on Dot Art.; Saturday, February 24, 2024, local artist Annie Hyde will give a workshop called Playing with Pumpkins. Monday, October 30—Thursday, November 2 Ursula Burgess will give a workshop on Creative Painting in water media. The cost is $95 for CVA members and $125 for non-members. Sign-up with Debbie McClintock by phone (434-394-2394) or email her at:

3. Paul is updating the website with exhibit, workshops and reception schedules. Livia will send information to Paul as a document. Richard will send him exhibit schedules.

Longwood Student Outreach Report:

1. Livia announced that she and Richard received 17 names of students who are interested in CVA. Paul will invite these students to the October reception via emails from Richard. Livia asked to be copied on emails when Paul and Richard communicate with students. We might also want to reach out to Hampden-Sydney students.

2. Several suggestions about reaching out to students included: speaking with Art faculty, although many live out-of-town; possibly have a CVA exhibit at LCVA, although they plan 2 years in advance and is driven by the art scene in Richmond; advertise on storefronts with flyers; and list workshops and exhibits on CVA’s Facebook page (Paul does list exhibits and receptions on Facebook). There was discussion about posting a “Boost” on Facebook. Paul estimated the cost to be about $15-20 per boost. The challenge is measuring the “boost.” The Board approved a budget of $25 per month for Paul to post CVA boosts on Facebook. The first one will be regarding the Exhibits reception on Oct. 7, 2023.

New Beginnings Party Location and Dates:

1. The Train Station in Farmville has been secured for the Art Walk. We can use it only once per year without cost. Paul suggested “The Mill” building near the “troll” bridge. CVA has used that building in the past. Paul will contact Heinz Jones about using it for either Jan. 14 or 21, 2024 from 2-5 PM.

Farmville Art Walk Updates and Committee Meeting Schedule:

1. Livia said that she and Richard went to see Scott Davis, Farmville’s Town Manager, and put in the application for High Bridge Trail.

2. The Art Walk Committee will meet on the third Wed. of the month from 9 – 10 AM beginning on Oct. 18th in Eason Hall G28 at Longwood.

3. Richard distributed 3 handouts: committee members, purpose and promotional. He asked members to review and any changes or suggestions to send to Richard. Livia will post them on the Longwood campus with approval.

4. Speak with Nancy Alexander about helping to write-up sponsorship requests. There was discussion about the starting and ending points: Crute Stage, Red Door and Train Station. Provide something like a “passport” for walkers with a “prize drawing” at the end of the walk. Artists could have “postcards” to hand out. High Bridge Trail will be open. The Art Walk will be on either side of the trail. We need to consider liability insurance. Farmville Downtown Partnership purchased additional coverage for “Rock the Block” and High Bridge Trail manages its own traffic.

5. Rain possibilities: Artists will be under tents and the grassy area by the caboose is somewhat sheltered.

New Business: Livia announced that Rachel Ivers (LCVA) asked if CVA members were interested in exhibiting artwork in the Prince Edward Court House. There is a wall on the 3rd floor in public space near Juvenile Court. It would be a long-term exhibit similar to the Health Dept. Art work can be for sale. Livia will contact Rachel letting her know that CVA is interested. Paul asked Livia to write-up information about this exhibit.

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by: Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, January 8, 2024 at Riverside Café.
Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
July 10, 2023

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Deborah McClintock (Past President and Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock, Donna McRae-Jones, Robin Sedgewick, Donna Taylor, and Patty Vance.

Livia opened the meeting at 9:04 AM.

Secretary’s Report: Posted on the CVA website.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul reported that our checkbook balances remains at just over $6,000. There was some discussion about the Riverside Cafew exterior entrance revamp, and the group agreed to have Livia purchase a new sandwich board sig. to help draw in visits to the Artists Receptions.

Livia began a discussion about awareness and membership of CVA.

1. Donna Taylor spoke about Julie Krake’s “In-Town Art” shop in Blackstone/Crewe. She is always having workshops and business promotions. Blackstone has an “In Town” art walk every second Saturday from May through October. Crewe has an “In Town Art Market” every 3rd Saturday from April through August.

2. Livia will contact owners of Riverside Café about trimming bushes in front and placing a sandwich board announcing artist receptions just before the receptions. Other means of making CVA’s presence known included possible sponsored museum tours with sign-up sheets, perhaps rent a bus; possible tours of LCVA when a new exhibit opens; have a table of CVA materials at LCVA; work in conjunction with LCVA. The Farmville-Herald receives all CVA communication and will list events in their Community Calendar.

3. Board members reviewed the current membership list. Some Board members will make personal contacts with members who have not renewed. Debbie will contact Leslie Dennison and Nan Colvin; Pat will contact Jane Poulter.

Workshops and Lectures: Debbie is the coordinator for Lectures and Workshops which are usually coordinated with VMFA. Debbie said she needs to contact VMFA about their lectures and workshop offerings.

Membership Picnic: There was discussion about the Fall picnic. Debbie will contact Bill and Lila Reach about membership and possibly hosting the picnic, which they have previously done. There was no date set.

Farmville Art Stroll Event: Paul distributed a sheet describing a possible Art Stroll in Farmville set for the last Saturday in April, 2024. Paul is Treasurer for Farmville Downtown Partnership (FDP). He mentioned an email forwarded to him from Martha Louis about the changes being made for artists during the Heart of Virginia Festival. There were also calls to WFLO about doing something in the spring to replace the Heart of Virginia Festival. FDP is a non-profit organization and a few items would have to be in place for the Art Stroll to happen. Permission would have to be gained from High Bridge Trail and FDP would have to reach out to businesses. This event would include all types of artwork. Livia will reach out to Longwood about their participation. A committee of Pat, Livia, Richard, and Robin will work with FDP people to look further into the event.

Exhibitions: Donna McRae-Jones left art exhibition sign-up sheets for Friday’s reception. She is working with Ursula to rehang the Health Department Show which has not been changed since COVID. Ursula is trying to liquidate all her art, so the next Health Department Show will be just her. Donna also reported that she is getting more engaged in Buckingham politics and will be resigning as Exhibition Chair at the end of the year. Richard agreed that he would take on the Chair position.

Next Meeting: The next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, October 2, 2023 at Riverside Café.
Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
April 3, 2023

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Livia Barros-Gonzalez (President), Deborah McClintock (Past President and Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock, Donna Taylor, Patty Vance and Greg Wolfrey.

Livia opened the meeting at 9:10 AM.

Secretary’s Report: Posted on the CVA website.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the report with a year-end account balance of $6,474.81.

Livia began discussion about awareness of CVA.
1. Social media: who moderates social media for CVA? Farmville Downtown Partnership has an Instagram account, Nancy Alexander is the Director and Paul Hoffman is on the Board. People will moderate an Instagram account for a fee while others will volunteer for an organization. Ilsa Loeser at LetterPress Communications and Mallory Stone at Social Mojo/Green Front will create campaigns for a fee. “Reels” are short videos, more like “teasers” about fun happenings. These can be posted on Facebook, YouTube, Instagrams, etc. Groups can have threads on Messenger and there are apps for group texting. Donna Taylor suggested taking pictures of the CVA Board and posting on CVA’s Facebook page. Paul maintains CVA’s Facebook and will post the picture. Anyone can post on CVA’s Facebook.

2. Publicity to garner new interest:
a) LCVA has a weekly newsletter. Livia will ask about including CVA events. CVA has a weekly Newsletter. CVA events are placed in Farmville-Herald’s “Events” column and articles are usually sent in to local papers. The Farmville-Herald gets its information from the CVA Newsletter. Possibly send articles to Blackstone and Crewe-Burkeville papers. WFLO is a possibility. They are AM only at this time.
b) Longwood’s Print Shop (does outside work) can print posters for CVA to place in Main St. storefronts. They are located in the Graham Building by the Post Office.
c) Donna McRae-Jones is Exhibitions Coordinator. Exhibits are at Riverside (which receives 25% commission) and The Health Department in Farmville. There is a sandwich board in front of Riverside advertising artist receptions. It does need refurbishing. CVA used to have exhibits in Weyanoke, but the environment was very dark. Art needs to have good lighting.
d) Target for new members – possibly college students, high school students, middle school students and Piedmont Senior Resources for seniors.
e) Representation at local venues such as MayFest in Buckingham County and Heart of Virginia in Farmville. Possibly have an Arts in the Park on Longwood’s old golf course in the summer months.

3. Workshops and Lectures: Debbie is the coordinator for Lectures and Workshops which are usually coordinated with VMFA. However, since COVID, they have been local this past year. Most CVA members are not tech savvy and adverse to ZOOM, preferring face-to-face workshops and lectures. Discussion centered around space for classes. CVA has had them in the ground floor of LCVA. Red Door and Mainly Clay are business members and offer their own classes which are advertised in the CVA Newsletter. Does Julie Krake have space in her Blackstone business? Any person 60+ years, can audit a class at any state university. Longwood offers several art classes.

Announcements: The next exhibit at Riverside will be the May/June exhibit with a reception scheduled for Friday, May 5th. Blackstone’s Art Walk is Saturday, April 8, 2023 from 11 AM – 3 PM.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at AM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, July 10, 2023 at Riverside Café.
Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
January 9, 2023

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Deborah McClintock (Past President and Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey and Patty Vance.

Debbie opened the meeting at 9:10 AM.

Secretary’s Report: Greg moved, with Paul seconding for the October 3, 2022 minutes to be officially approved. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the report with a year-end account balance of $6,454.23. Art sales totaled $1,437.31 and art commissions totaled $1,369.13 netting an income of $68.69 for CVA. The picnic cost was more than usual and workshop attendance was lower than expected. The website domain was renewed for another 5 years. Total income for the year was $3,532.31 and expenses were $3,886.70 leaving CVA with a -$354.39 net loss for the year.

Old Business:

a. New Beginnings Party is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 28th from 1 – 4 PM at the Farmville Train Station. Our hospitality coordinators won’t be able to attend the get-together. Paul and Lisa Hoffman volunteered to make arrangements for beverages, napkins, plates, etc. Members will bring savory and sweet dishes. Robin will pick up the train station key at the town office that Saturday. Paul will make arrangements for the ABC license.

b. The CVA lecture is on Sunday, Jan. 29th at 3 PM at the Atkinson Museum, with Rachel Ivers speaking about the LCVA.

New Business:

a. CVA Officers and Trustees will be voted on at the New Beginnings Party. Board of Trustees members whose terms are expiring are Donna Taylor and Donna McRae Jones. Both have agreed to serve another term. CVA will need to elect a president. Debbie has agreed to contact Marianne Dennison and Ursula Burgess about their willingness to serve. Other officers have agreed to continue for another term.

b. There was discussion of more exposure needed for CVA and bringing in new members. People are still hesitant about attending functions post Covid. Possibilities included more local classes on a regular basis, involving local art professors and offering monthly workshops. Debbie mentioned the Friday “pot luck painting” in member’s homes around Farmville; Martha Louis has a watercolor class in Buckingham; and the Red Door has classes. Members discussed the costs involved with providing workshops. When we go through VMFA, we provide a small stipend for the artist and VMFA pays the rest. Many of their artists are still not traveling to conduct workshops. CVA’s survey showed that most of our members do not subscribe to workshops/lectures through Zoom. Paul said that the Farmville-Herald receives CVA emails, however when we have special events, he will contact the Farmville-Herald.

c. Richard reported for Donna McRae Jones, Exhibits Coordinator. There will be no artists’ reception for the current All Members Exhibit due to the proximity of the New Beginnings Party. Due to the painting at Riverside, the schedule for exhibits has changed. Jan./Feb. (artists – except for 2023 which is all members); March/April (artists); May/June (all members); July/Aug. (artists); Sept./Oct (artists) Nov./Dec. (all members). Richard (and Donna) thanked the Vance’s for their assistance in hanging the artwork for the current exhibit.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:05 AM.
Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, April 3, 2023 at Riverside Café.

Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
October 3, 2022

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Robin Sedgwick (President), Deborah McClintock (Past President and Vice-President), Paul Hoffman (Treasurer), Pat Howe (Secretary), Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey, Donna Taylor and Donna McRae-Jones.

Secretary’s Report: Greg moved, with Donna Taylor seconding for the minutes from June 27, 2022 to be officially approved. Passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the report with a balance of $6,810.28. Membership income reflects PayPal’s deductions. Art sales totaled $1,305.68 and art commissions totaled $1,243.75 netting an income of $61.93 for CVA. Richard moved, with Donna Taylor seconding for approval of the Treasurer’s Report. Passed.

Old Business:

a. Donna McRae-Jones explained that the drop-off dates for Riverside were postponed due to weather. She will notify Paul of any future date changes with names of artists exhibiting so he can get word out to them.

b. Donna Taylor said she spoke with Julie Krake who has a small art store in Blackstone about the “Art Walk” and suggested she join CVA. The “Art Walk” is Saturday, October 8, 2022 from 1 – 5 PM in Blackstone. Robin showed interest in going to see what it was like.

c. Donna McRae-Jones spoke with the Health Center and they are still interested in art works every 6 months. They also asked Donna if CVA members would be interested in hanging their art in other county health centers. Richard suggested that this be published in the Newsletter to see if any interest is generated. Donna will find out where the other centers are located. Paul will announce in the Newsletter requests for art in the Health Center to be hung in January.

d. Donna McRae-Jones said she is brainstorming for another raffle idea for next year.

e. Awning project – no update.

New Business:

a. New Beginnings Party – The Board agreed on either Saturday, Jan. 21st or 28th from 1 – 4 PM. Robin will contact Ann Irons at the Inn on the Avenues and Farmville’s Train Station about possibilities. Donna McRae-Jones said she would contact the Moton Museum. CVA Officers and Trustees are voted on at this meeting.

b. Local lecture series – Debbie has contacted Mark Baldridge and Rachel Ivers and both have agreed to offer a lecture. Debbie has contacted the Atkinson Museum at

H-SC about available dates and has sent them to Mark and Rachel. One available date is Dec. 3, 2022. She is waiting for their responses. Debbie said she would do a “Valentine” lecture and Richard McClintock might do a workshop.

c. Nominating Committee – Trustee terms are for 3 years and two Trustee terms are up this year. Donna Taylor and Donna McRae-Jones have agreed to continue for another term. All Officer terms are for one year. Debbie, Pat and Paul have agreed to continue for another year. Robin will think about another term but would like it published to see if anyone else would be interested in serving as President.

d. Recruiting new members - Several suggestions were made about possible new members. All members are invited to the New Beginnings Party, openings, artist receptions, and the September Picnic and encouraged to bring guests. Donna McRae- Jones suggested a Spring Open House and she would be willing to print flyers inviting people to openings and artist receptions. Robin suggested a sign at Riverside announcing an opening or reception 2 weeks before the event inviting everyone. It was suggested to send announcements to local papers including Crewe-Burkeville and getting on the Farmville-Herald Community Calendar. Paul said that all the local papers are on CVA’s email list. Donna Taylor said she would contact a local reporter from Crewe-Burkeville and Paul will speak with the new editor at the Farmville-Herald. Greg will contact Rachel Ivers about LCVA and publicity for CVA. There was discussion about possible joint venues with local music talent and theater in the area.

Members were reminded about the plein air event for members at the Wolfrey’s on Sat. Oct. 8th from 1 – 5 PM. Everyone must bring their own supplies and whatever they will need. Greg and Betty will provide wine afterwards.

The following dates were set for next year’s Board meetings at Riverside: January 9, 2023; April 3, 2023; July 3, 2023 and Oct. 2, 2023. Riverside Café has requested that we let them know a week in advance of Board meetings so that they can have a table set up for us.

With no further business, Greg moved, with Richard seconding for adjournment.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, January 9, 2023 at Riverside Café.
Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees
June 27, 2022

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Deborah McClintock (Past President and Vice-President); Paul Hoffman (Treasurer); Pat Howe (Secretary); Richard McClintock; Patty Vance and Greg Wolfrey.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from April 4, 2022 were approved and posted.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the report with a balance of $6,297.78. This includes a check that was written to Heart of Virginia but never cashed. Fundraising proceeds of $330 was from the “Art Cake” raffle. Under expenses, “Education” included fees for VMFA lecture and workshop. Treasurer’s Report was approved.

Old Business:

a. Awning Project – Paul announced that it’s still ongoing

b. Blackstone Art Walk – no report

c. VMFA Tour – no report

d. “Plein Air” event for members will be held at Betty and Greg Wolfrey’s home on October 8, 2022 from 1 PM – 5 PM.

e. Easel Project – Richard announced that it is ongoing

f. Tie-in with VMFA Artmobile visit to Virginia Children’s Book Festival – CVA will advertise and have a link to VCBF’s website for the event which is scheduled for Oct. 12 – 14, 2022. They are always looking for volunteers to assist during the event.

g. Fall Membership Picnic will be held on Sunday, Sept. 11, 2022 from 3 PM to 6 the home of Donna McRae-Jones in Buckingham County where there is a 4-acre lake.

New Business:

VMFA lectures and workshops offerings for 2022-23 – Debbie has been in contact with Trent Nicholas at VMFA but has not heard back from him. When Debbie hears about the possible lectures and workshops offerings for next year, CVA might send out a poll, via Survey Monkey, to members for their interests.

The next art hanging at Riverside Café will be August 7, 2022 and the Artists Reception will be held on Friday, August 12, 2022 from 6 PM to 8 PM. As a reminder to artists who exhibit, please refer to the “Exhibition Guidelines” on the CVA website. In particular: Due to the unique hanging system at the Riverside Cafe, wood frames (or unframed canvasses) must have eyelets for hanging that must be placed between 1” to 2” down from the top corners of the back of the frame. Metal or plastic frames need equivalent hanging equipment at the top corners. This will be helpful for those preparing the exhibit.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 AM

Respectfully submitted by,
Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, October 3, 2022 at Riverside Café.

Central Virginia Arts
Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2022

The Board met at the Riverside Café at 9 AM. Members present: Robin Sedgwick (President); Deborah McClintock (Past and Vice-President); Paul Hoffman (Treasurer); Pat Howe (Secretary); Richard McClintock; Donna McRae Jones; Donna Taylor; Patty Vance and Greg Wolfrey. Guest, Betty Wolfrey.

Secretary’s Report: Minutes from January, 2022 were approved and posted.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul distributed the report with a balance of $6,946.02. A credit card posting of $264.90 was payment for a 5-year registration for CVA’s website. The “Street Photography” workshop cost $150 but brought in $245. Paul stated that we are no longer being charged $4/month for photocopying of cancelled checks.

Old Business:

a) Update on membership dues: Paul distributed a color-coded membership list designating which members are current, new members this year, those he contacted about payments and dropped members.

b) Awning project update: Paul spoke with Parker Wheeler who suggested we look at the back door and bring him some designs, noting that the awning could not go beyond the sidewalk. Paul will contact Grant’s Glass again since they lost their metal fabricator when last he spoke with them. Betty W. suggested the possibility of American Awning in Powhatan. The project is on hold until Paul hears back from Grant’s Glass.

New Business:

a) Hospitality Coordinator: Lois Thomas resigned from the position. There was discussion as to the responsibilities of the coordinator who oversees the food and beverages for artist receptions, lectures and parties. The coordinator also has a credit card to purchase items. Paul will put an announcement in the newsletter about the open position.

b) New art group in town: Robin stated that Jennifer Wallace, a local mosaic artist has called a get-together for local interested artist at Red Door. It was suggested that she be informed of CVA, being an existing non-profit organization for all types of artists and those interested in art. Paul will add her to CVA’s mailing list. It was noted that in addition to the newsletter publicizing workshops and lectures, Paul sends out press releases to the Farmville-Herald.

c) Special event for membership, brainstorming: Several members came up with ideas about possibilities for members.

1. Donna Taylor mentioned that Julie Krake, a new artist in Blackstone, is asking artists to set-up their art in businesses on the second Saturday of a month, similar to an “art walk.” She believes this will run through October. This would bring people into businesses. Is this something CVA might want to do? Donna will contact Julie Krake to learn more.

2. VMFA is offering several tours at the museum. The Artmobile is touring the state again, coming to Farmville October 12–14 in coordination with the Virginia Children’s Book Festival. Perhaps we should align ourselves with the VCBF/LCVA.

3. Greg asked if members might be interested in a “plein air” outing or picnic. He and Betty offered their place as a possible site for an excursion.

d) Richard passed around an article in which the New Jersey Historic Smithville Park set up three permanent easels. Everyone agreed that sounded like a good idea. Possible sites were discussed (around Wilck’s Lake, Historic Buckingham Village) along with the possibility of business or private sponsorships to defray the costs of the easels and placements. Richard will investigate the cost and dynamics.

e) Fall Membership Picnic: Donna McRae Jones offered her property with a 4-acre lake.

f) The “Art Cake” raffle netted $330 and was won by Leslie Dennison.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 AM

Respectfully submitted by, Pat Howe, Secretary

Next meeting is scheduled for 9:00 AM on Monday, June 27, 2022 at Riverside Café.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
January 10, 2022
(Riverside Café

Present: Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Betty Fanelli, Pat Howe, and Paul Hoffman

President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 9:05 a.m.

Upcoming Officer and Board Elections: There was a lot of discussion about the upcoming Officers and Trustees election at the New Beginnings Party on January 16. Richard and Betty, whose terms expired at the end of 2021, agreed to continue on the Board as Trustees. Most of the ensuing discussions centered around the office of President. Debbie is happy to continue as Vice President, an office that the Board agreed carried a much larger workload than the office of President. Everyone agreed that Robin Sedgwick would make an excellent President. Pat Howe offered to be nominated for Secretary if Robin agreed to be nominated for President. Pat said she would call Robin, and the other members present agreed that they would very much like to see Robin to accept the nomination. If Robin accepts and Pat moves to Secretary, then Pat’s term on the Board of Trustees would need to be filled. It was agreed to approach Patricia Vance, Shirley Blackwell, and Sandra Heinemann (in that order) about filling Pat’s vacancy.

Membership Dues: Paul shared the list of those members who have paid their 2022 and 2021 dues and those who have not. The deadline for paying 2022 dues is January 31, 2022. The Trustees reviewed the list. Paul said he would be sending individual emails to those who have not paid 2022 dues in the coming weeks, and he will follow up with phone calls.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul handed out and reviewed the treasurer’s report, including a balance sheet as of 12/31/21 and the year-to-date income/expense report for 2021. The checking account balance is $6,512.62. Income for the year exceeds expenses by $904.76, but this income figure includes a little more than half of 2022 dues with no 2021 expenses paid yet. Paul noted the $300 Award expense represented a Best of Show Award paid to the HOV Festival, but they have not cashed the check because no HOV Festival was held in 2021.

Awning and Sandwich Board Project: Paul noted that we have had several discussions about what to do with the funds donated to the CVA in memory of Nan Holt and Nancy Lockwood. Paul shared a proposal put forth by Tom Dennison some time back to install an awning over the river entrance of the Riverside Café. The color scheme would be picked in coordination with the Wheelers. There would be no lettering on the awning, but a sign will be put on the exterior wall saying, “Awning donated by the Central Virginia Arts in Memory of Nan Holt and Nancy Lockwood.” It was also agreed to get a new sandwich board sign for our events. Paul will work with Joe Giles Signs and the Wheelers on this project. It was agreed to pursue these projects even if the expense exceeded the memorial funds donated. We will seek publicity when the awning is installed.

Workshops: The next workshop in Street Photography on February 19. More info will follow in the CVA Newsletter.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 10:20 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman for Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, April 4, 2022, 9:00 a.m., at Riverside Cafe. After that there will be meetings of the Trustees July 11, 2022; October 3, 2022; and January 9, 2023.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
October 4, 2021
Riverside Café

Present: Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Donna McRae Jones, Robin Sedgwick

The meeting commenced around 9:45 a.m.

New Exhibits Coordinator. Donna McRae-Jones volunteered to take on the job of Exhibits Coordinator following the resignation of Dean Lord, who has capably shouldered this responsibility for several years. Donna requested that she be relieved of her role as Lectures Coordinator, since Debbie McClintock does most of the work involved there anyways. The Exhibits Coordinator solicits artists to participate in exhibitions at Riverside and, every six months, at the health department and then reminds participants of their duties as exhibitions approach. Richard McClintock suggested that exhibition sign-up forms be posted on the CVA website to facilitate the sign-up process.

Recent VMFA Workshop. Debbie McClintock reported that about seven local artists attended Dawn Flores’ September workshop. Thus, the workshop paid for itself. Paul Hoffman said that although he has not yet gotten a bill from the VMFA, he has gone ahead and sent payment.

Membership Potluck. Thanks to behind-the-scenes work by Paul, the potluck gathering for members will be held at Red Door 104 on Saturday, October 23, from 3 to 6 p.m. Paul urged the board to send him names and addresses of potential members so that they might receive invitations. Betty Fanelli asked where attendees should try to park for the event. Paul will research this and put suggestions in the newsletter.

Treasurer’s Report. Paul circulated copies of his report, including a balance sheet as of 9/30/21 and the year-to-date income/expense report. The checking account balance is $5,817.30. Paul commented that currently he is receiving photocopies of checks as part of monthly statements, a service for which CVA is charged $4 a month. The board approved his dropping of this service as unnecessary. Reminder from Paul: Dues are payable 10/1/21 – 1/31/22.

Memorial Gifts. There was brief discussion of ways to use memorial funds, which now amount to about $1,000. Paul will talk with Parker and Jean of Riverside about CVA’s spiffing up the side entry to the building to make it more welcoming for our events and to facilitate art drop-off and pick-up in bad weather. This was one of several ideas brought up at the last board meeting.

New Beginnings Party. Set for Sunday, January 16, 2022, from 2 to 5 p.m. Paul will work on a venue.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 10:30.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, January 3, 2022, 9:00 a.m., Riverside Café

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
July 12, 2021
Riverside Café

Present: Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Pat Howe, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Greg Wolfrey

President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 9:40 a.m.

Lectures and Workshops. Debbie reported that VMFA currently is planning to offer in-person lectures and workshops in the coming year. She circulated descriptions of what’s available. Board members annotated these individually, and Debbie will compile votes and work with VMFA and the presenters along with the Atkinson Museum and the LCVA (our two usual workshop and lecture sites) to create a schedule for the year. The board agreed that of the four workshops we usually sponsor, we will again request two that were scheduled for last year but had to be canceled: colored pencils with Dawn Flores and portraits with Marjorie Perrin. Pat Howe suggested that if we were to offer a graphic novel workshop option, we could make youth scholarships available to engage younger members of the community.

Youth Art Exhibition. A discussion ensued as to how CVA might valuably use the memorial gifts that it recently has received. Paul Hoffman proposed a juried art exhibition for area high-school-age students at Riverside Café that would take the place of one of the two annual all-member shows. Monetary prizes would be awarded, and all youth whose work was selected would be given a CVA membership. This might take place in August, with submissions being made by the end of the preceding school year.

Re-envisioning Side Entry at Riverside Café. A second proposal was to work with Riverside Café to enhance the side entry, which is used particularly for CVA receptions.

No vote taken on either of these ideas.

Artmobile Visit. Debbie brought up a request from Tom Dennison that CVA sponsor a visit from the VMFA artmobile as it did for several years in the past. Debbie will encourage Tom to come up with details: current and upcoming artmobile offerings, possible sites (a parking lot at a school or schools? at the Farmville library?), interest level at local schools, and the like.

Fall Potluck. Debbie will investigate the availability of the Farmville train station for an October get-together of the membership.

Treasurer’s Report. Paul handed out and reviewed the treasurer’s report, including a balance sheet as of 7/1/21 and the year-to-date income/expense report. The checking account balance is $6,060.02. Income exceeds expenses by $452.16. The CVA has received $725.00 in memorial donations for Nan Holt and Nancy Lockwood.

Adjournment. The meeting dispersed around 10:10 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, October 4, 2021, 9:00 a.m., Riverside Café
Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
April 5, 2021
The McClintock Home

Present: Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey, Pat Howe, and Paul Hoffman

President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 9:40 am.

2021 New Beginnings Party: It was agreed that the CVA needs a face-to-face meeting of its members and a social gathering. A New Beginnings Party was suggested for May 2021. After discussing possible outdoor venues, it was suggested that the Historic Village at Lee Wayside in Buckingham would be a great location for a New Beginnings Party/Picnic. Pat Howe contacted Martha Louis and secured the site for May 29, 2021 from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. It was agreed that members would be asked to bring their own picnic meal and not covered dishes for sharing as is usually done. The CVA will purchase a large batch of chicken nuggets from Chick-fil-A, some cheese straws, and other finger foods as well as provide the wine and punch. When the Board previously decided to postpone the New Beginnings Party, it was also determined that the current members and officers of the Board of Trustees would all have their terms extended one year. Therefore, there will not be any elections at the event, but we will give the members an organizational update.

Centra Southside Hospital Venue: Dean Lord has had a conversation with someone at Centra Southside Hospital who suggested that they have a long hallway that might be used as a CVA exhibition venue. The Board thought that was a great idea and has authorized Dean Lord to pursue the matter. It was thought that the schedule might be the same as the Health Department venue i.e. six-month shows. It will be left to Dean Lord to decide to match the Health Department schedule for pick-up and drop-off dates, or to stagger the pick-up and drop-off dates by three months to spread the work load. It was noted that Kerry Mossler is the Public Relations director for Centra Southside Hospital and might be a good resource.

Lectures and Workshops: Paul reported that he never did survey the membership about their willingness/desire to participate in virtual workshops or lectures. The Board feels like our membership is not likely to have great participation in virtual meetings, so it was decided to focus on starting up in-person lectures and workshops this fall to coincide with the VMFA fiscal year. The Board will review potential lectures and workshops at their July meeting.

Board Vacancy: Paul reported that Dean Lord declined to serve on the Board of Trustees at this time. Paul also reported that he contacted Donna McRae-Jones, and she expressed an interest in serving on the Board. The Board agreed to appoint Donna McRae-Jones to fill the remainder of Karla Ellington’s term on the Board of Trustees (2019-2022).

Treasurer’s Report: Paul handed out and reviewed the treasurer’s report, including a balance sheet as of 4/1/21 and the year-to-date income/expense report for 2021. The checking account balance is $6,003.55. Income for the year exceeds expenses by $395.69, but Paul noted that the CVA liability insurance premium of $450.00 will be payable soon.

Membership Report: Paul shared the list of those members who have paid their 2021 dues and those who have not. Eight 2020 members were unresponsive, or elected to not renew their memberships, and two members, who agreed to renew, have not yet paid their 2021 dues. Total dues collected for 2021 are $130.00 less than 2020.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 9:35 am.

Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman for Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, July 12, 2021, 9:30 am., at the McClintocks’. The date was moved from July 5, to avoid Independence Day conflicts.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of  Trustees
January 4, 2021
The McClintock Home

Present: Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Greg Wolfrey, Betty Fanelli, and Paul Hoffman

President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 10:05 a.m.

Lectures and Workshops: VMFA is still only offering online lectures and workshops via Zoom. Lectures are $100 for a 30-minute lecture plus 15 minutes for Q&A. There are 3-hour virtual workshops that also cost $100, and the participants must buy their own supplies. It was noted that even our in-person workshops and lectures are not all that well attended. It was also pointed out that our membership does not seem to be all that technology oriented. It was agreed that if 10 or more people expressed interest in a virtual lecture, that the $100 fee would be a worthwhile expenditure. Paul will use MailChimp to survey the memberships and gauge member interests in the 12-13 potential virtual lectures. It was also agreed that we should see if members would be open to a local expert giving a lecture in person.

Membership Dues: Paul shared the list of those members who have paid their 2021 dues and those who have not. The deadline for paying 2021 dues is January 31, 2021. The Trustees reviewed the list and divided up responsibilities for phone calling those members who have not yet paid 2021 dues. After one week, Paul will send a postal letter to those who have not yet paid. Paul noted that we still only get about 25-30% of recipients who actually open their CVA emails, so it is not surprising that some members may not know that dues are payable.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul handed out and reviewed the treasurer’s report, including a balance sheet as of 1/2/21 and the year-to-date income/expense report for 2020. The checking account balance is $5,611.86. Income for the year exceeds expenses by $639.25, but this income figure includes a little more than half of 2021 dues with no 2021 expenses paid yet.

2021 New Beginnings Party: It was agreed that the New Beginnings Party would be postponed for now until April or May. There is a strong desire to get back to in-person events, but until new Covid case numbers subside, it is prudent not to hold in-person events. Moreover, our usual venues are not yet available. It was thought the April or May timeframe presented an opportunity for an outdoor, in-person event.

Since the New Beginnings Party is when we elect Officers and Trustees, and because of uncertainty, it was agreed that the current slate of Officers and Trustees of the CVA would be frozen as is until 2022.

Newsletter: Paul will use the survey function of MailChimp to gauge members interest in lectures, in-person events, a New Beginnings Party in April or May, but we will forego asking about virtual workshops for now.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 10:50 a.m.

Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman for Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, April 5, 2021, 10:00 a.m., at the McClintocks’. After that there will be meetings of the Trustees July 5, 2021; October 4, 2021; and January 3, 2022. It is anticipated that the July, October, January meetings will be at 9:00 a.m., at Riverside Café.


Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
October 5, 2020
The McClintock Home

Present: Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Pat Howe, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Donna Taylor, Greg Wolfrey

President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 9:35 a.m.

Member Exhibition Guidelines: After some discussion, it was moved by Greg Wolfrey and seconded by Paul Hoffman that the Exhibition Guidelines for Central Virginia Arts, proposed on August 31, 2020, and submitted to the membership for comment, be accepted with revisions to item 6 that detail coordination between the Exhibits Coordinator and participating artists: “Artists and the Exhibits Coordinator should verify the artists’ participation 30 days prior to their show hanging. Failure by an artist to do so may result in exhibition space being assigned to another artist. Artists will be contacted one week prior to confirm pick-up/drop-off dates and times.” (Changes underlined.)

Lectures and Workshops: VMFA’s current policy on VMFA-provided lectures and workshops is to leave the offering of these activities to the discretion of the providing artists and lecturers. Particularly since none of CVA’s regular sites is available to us for now, the board agreed that we should offer no activities this fall and review the situation in the new year, perhaps working first with local providers.

Ursula Burgess has said that it’s possible she’ll host her annual painting workshop at her farm and studio, if it’s at a time when it could be outdoors. Look for announcements.

Dues: In light of reduced program offerings, the board discussed whether to reduce or forgive dues for the coming year. In the interests of keeping a balance in the treasury to cover regular ongoing expenses and unexpected charges, and to encourage members to express their ongoing commitment to the organization, the board determined that dues should be charged as usual, payable 10/1/20–1/31/21.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul Hoffman handed out “a pretty self-explanatory” treasurer’s report, including the balance sheet as of 10/1/20 and the year-to-date income/expense report. Balance is $4,743.13. Expenses have surpassed income by $229.48, a deficit being expected for this time of the year.

Suggested Additions to the Newsletter: Richard noted that many organizations are offering web lectures these days that might be of interest to the membership. He recommended that members be encouraged to send announcements of these activities, including the link, to Paul for inclusion in the CVA newsletter. In addition, Robin (following up on a recommendation that Richard made at the last board meeting) suggested that the newsletter could be used as a new mini-exhibition space for artists, who could provide Paul with a photo or photos of their work and brief commentary.

Show Cancellation: Richard commented that the members’ summer show at Atkinson Museum has been canceled because it conflicts with the curator’s vacation and has generated little visitation.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned around 10:35.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, January 4, 2021, 9:30 a.m., at the McClintocks’


Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
July 6, 2020
The McClintock Home

Present: Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Greg Wolfrey

Acting President Deborah McClintock opened the meeting around 10:05.

Riverside Café Exhibitions: Debbie said that the committee in charge of installing exhibitions at the Riverside Café reports problems with timely drop-offs and pick-ups of artwork. The board discussed what can be done to support the committee’s work. Paul Hoffman suggested posting exhibition guidelines on the CVA website; Richard McClintock has draft guidelines for the committee to respond to and develop. Since communication with artists seems to be a problem, Robin Sedgwick suggested that the sign-up include artists’ preferred means of contact. Betty Fanelli suggested that a committee member be invited to board meetings.

Richard will confer with exhibits coordinator Dean Lord about changes to the exhibition schedule, including holding the current show over until September and having a members’ reception the first Friday in August. Given COVID-19 disruptions, the board felt that we should wipe the exhibition slate clean and ask artist members to sign up fresh to display art in the fall and early winter months. There was some feeling that members new and old might need encouragement to participate.

VMFA Lectures and Workshops: Debbie has not yet talked with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts staff about their plans for outreach lectures and workshops over the coming months, nor does she know whether local venues will be available for public presentations. She’ll contact VMFA’s coordinator of statewide media resources Trent Nicholas to learn the museum’s current thinking, and she and Richard will talk with Angie Way at the Atkinson Museum and Rachel Ivers at LCVA about whether those standard venues may be available. Paul Hoffman expressed a preference for lectures with members actually gathered, even if the talks must be given via screen.

Betty Fanelli observed that CVA can plan local workshops and studio tours without working through the VMFA.

Fall Picnic. Consensus that we can responsibly hold an outdoor picnic toward the end of September. Members with large yards will be contacted as possible hosts.

Board Vacancy: Cynthia Woods’ recent resignation has left the board with no president. Debbie will assume both president and vice president roles until the election of a new board in January.

An Addition to the Newsletter? Richard suggested that the CVA newsletter could be used as a new venue for artists, who could provide Paul with a photo or photos of their work and brief commentary.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul Hoffman presented the treasurer’s report, including the balance sheet as of 6/30/20 and the income/expense report for the period 1/1/2020–6/30/20. The balance is $4,855.13. Expenses surpassed income by $117.48, a deficit being normal for the first half of the year.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:05.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, October 5, 2020, 10:00 am, at the McClintocks’

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
January 6, 2020
Riverside Café

Present: Cynthia Wood, Karla Ellington, Ursula Burgess, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, and Susan Harwood

President Cynthia Wood called the meeting to order around 9:05 am.

Hotel Weyanoke Photography Show: Cynthia reported that she has had a difficult time establishing the dates for the photography show. The Hotel Weyanoke very much wants Longwood students to participate in the show, but LU is out until January 13. There was a lot of discussion about the merits of a combined show versus a CVA Members show and a LU/HSC show. This led to a lot of discussion about how a juried show works. In the end, it was agreed that combining CVA Members with college students (who would pay a fee equivalent to a one-year CVA Membership) would result in a significantly larger pool of photos from which to select about 15 pieces for the juried show.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul Hoffman presented the treasurer’s report, including the balance sheet as of 1/4/20 and the income/expense report for the period 1/1/2019–12/31/2019. Paul noted that the VMFA has been paid for all programs and workshops to date.

Paul also reported that Walter Witschey conducted a financial review of the CVA books and reported that the finances are up to date and accurate.

Membership Report: Paul shared a spreadsheet of current members of which quite a few have not yet paid their 2020 dues. Paul reported that on average only about one third of the members open their CVA emails, so he plans to send a snail-mail letter out to unpaid members after the New Beginnings Party. He also asked Board members to review the list and personally contact any unpaid members they know to encourage those members to pay their dues.

It was once again pointed out that we need more and younger members to maintain the vitality of the CVA.

Board Meeting Schedule: The quarterly board meeting schedule was set as follows: April 13, 2020; July 6, 2020; October 5, 2020; and January 4, 2021. All meetings will be at 9:00 am, at the Riverside Café. It was suggested we secure the back room for future meetings.

Art Show Coordinator: Rick Thomas has resigned from his position of coordinating all the art drop off and pick up and art show hangings. Richard McClintock, Tom Dennison, and Dean Lord will continue to help. Paul will contact Dean Lord and ask him to take over the coordination role. There was discussion about the need to better educate the members about the art show guidelines and the need for them to drop off or pick up their art at the appointed times.

New Beginnings Party: The event is scheduled for January 12, 2020, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, at the Inn on the Avenues.

Nominating Committee: A nominating committee consisting of Paul Hoffman, Richard McClintock, and Robin Sedgwick was charged in October with coming up with a slate of board members and officers for the 2020 year. The Committee reported that all current Officers would be nominated for election. Susan Harwood and Betty Fanelli had already expressed a willingness to serve again. In response to an email solicitation for interested members to be on the Board of Trustees, Pat Howe volunteered. Susan indicated she would be happy to defer to Pat. It was suggested that we could have more nominees than available positions, but the CVA practice for many years has been to nominate a slate equal in number to the positions available. Of course, there may be nominations from the floor during the Annual Business Meeting, but that almost never happens. The Board agreed to accept the Nominating Committee’s recommendation to nominate all the current Officers and Pat Howe and Betty Fanelli as Trustees, unless Betty or Greg Wolfrey agree to serve. Richard will contact the Wolfreys, and if one of them is interested, then Betty Fanelli agreed to step down.

Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 10:15.

Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman for Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next Meeting: Monday, April 13, 2020, 9:00 am, at the Riverside Café (Note: This is not the first Monday)

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees 
October 7, 2019
Riverside Café 

Present: Ursula Burgess, Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Cynthia Wood

President Cynthia Wood called the meeting to order around 9:05 a.m.

Treasurer’s Report. Paul Hoffman presented the treasurer’s report, including the balance sheet as of 10/1/2019 and the income/expense report for the period 1/1/2019–9/30/2019.The latter report, Paul commented, is a snapshot in time; he is not concerned that total income fell short of total expenses—particularly, as Deborah McClintock pointed out, many members have not yet paid their dues for the coming year. Current balance is $4,820.32.

Paul has informed the IRS of our revised fiscal year. He will send with membership emails a reminder that dues are payable October 1–January 31. No board member has heard negative comments about the increase in dues and workshop fees.

Paul will secure an informal audit of the books before the new year.

Programming for Upcoming Year. Deborah McClintock reviewed the line-up of upcoming VMFA lectures and workshops. Attendance was low at the first lecture. It was suggested that the next lecture (on the origins of American comics, scheduled for 10/27), being of possible interest to a different audience from usual, could be more widely advertised. Paul will contact Longwood’s art department; Angie Way already does a good job of getting notices out to the Hampden-Sydney community. The first workshop, on layered portraiture, had seven participants, and seven have signed up for this weekend’s photography workshop. Details about the remaining VMFA lecture and workshops will be announced at the annual meeting on January 12 at the Inn on the Avenues.

Ursula Burgess has twelve participants signed up for her October painting workshop at LCVA.

There was consensus that we should develop more lectures, drawing on local expertise. Tours suggested included
  • a visit to the exhibition Edward Hopper and the American Hotel, which will be showing at VMFA October 26, 2019 – February 23, 2020 (might Susan Harwood lead this? Cynthia will ask her)
  • a tour of the American Civil War Museum in Appomattox on March 18 (?), possibly including a discussion about its design by Carlton Sturges Abbott and its environmentally sensitive landscaping
  • a garden week tour (April 18-25)
A Crewe studio tour was proposed for Saturday, April 18, 1-5 p.m. Potential participating artists will be contacted. All these activities will be firmed up by the time of the January annual meeting, and details will be made public.

Exhibition Opportunity for Members. The photography exhibition that was initially scheduled to follow the paintings exhibition at the Hotel Weyanoke but had to be postponed is now back on: The Weyanoke has proposed to Cynthia a juried exhibition for January through March of 2020. The Weyanoke suggests the added draw of a photo-op on site on Valentine’s Day. Cynthia will follow up with Emily Pilk at the Weyanoke, making sure we understand and agree to exactly what the hotel is looking for with this show.

Nominating Committee. A nominating committee consisting of Paul Hoffman, Richard McClintock, and Robin Sedgwick was charged with coming up with a slate of board members and officers for the 2020 year. Several current members expressed a willingness to continue in their positions if needed. Robin Sedgwick urged that we not close off the opportunity for interested members to join the board. At Betty Fanelli’s suggestion, Paul will put out in coming emails to the membership a request for expressions of interest in serving.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:15.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next meeting of the board: Monday, January 6, 9 a.m., Riverside Café

Meeting schedule for 2020: January 6, April 6, July 6, October 5

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees 
July 8, 2019
Riverside Café 

Present: Ursula Burgess, Betty Fanelli, Susan Harwood, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Cynthia Wood

President Cynthia Wood called the meeting to order around 9:10 a.m.

Second Exhibition at Hotel Weyanoke. The photography exhibition that was initially scheduled to follow the paintings exhibition at the Hotel Weyanoke has been postponed indefinitely, Cynthia reported.

Programming for Upcoming Year. The board was polled as to their preferences for VMFA lectures and workshops to offer this year. Deborah McClintock will check availability of the selected museum presenters and local venues, as well as potential conflicts with other local events, to set up a schedule. This will be available at the end-of-summer picnic. Cynthia will check with the Weyanoke to see if holding a lecture or workshop there might still be an option.

Ursula Burgess will verify with the LCVA that she will be permitted to offer a painting workshop there this fall, as she has done for the past several years.

End-of-Summer and January Socials. Venues are needed for CVA’s two main regular social events. The McClintocks agreed to serve as a backup for the January party if no other site proves available. Susan Harwood will ask if the reception hall at College Church might be available and how much the church would charge. Deborah McClintock will also make inquiries. CVA continues to maintain its liability insurance, as required for any events held at Longwood or Hampden-Sydney.

Treasurer’s Report. Paul Hoffman distributed copies of the income and expense report for the period 1/1/19–6/30/19 and also a report of the balance as of 7/8/19. Balance is $4,275.63. The reports were approved.

CVA Dues. In response to Paul’s observation that the balance has been declining gradually, Betty Fanelli wondered if CVA should consider raising dues. Ursula commented that as a non-profit, CVA needs to continue to provide value to the community; if we take in more in dues, we should provide more offerings. However, because dues have not changed for many years, a slight increase was deemed justifiable: Deborah McClintock moved that the dues in each category be raised by $5; Betty Fanelli seconded the motion; motion passed.

[NOTE: Because workshop fees have traditionally been linked to dues, the workshop fee for non-members being the member fee plus the cost of an individual membership, this increase in dues means that the workshop fees approved in January (see the January 2019 Meeting Minutes) will similarly increase from $25 for members and $40 for non-members to $25 for members and $45 for non-members.]

Field Trips. Brief discussion about a possible CVA-sponsored trip to the VMFA (Susan Harwood recommended touring the permanent galleries as a valuable alternative to viewing temporary exhibitions) or the Pompeii exhibition running through September 3 at the Science Museum of Virginia. No resolution.

The meeting was adjourned.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next meeting of the board: Monday, October 7, 9 a.m., Riverside Café

Minutes from meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Directors 
April 1, 2019
Riverside Café 

Board members: Ursula Burgess, Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Phyllis McKinney, Robin Sedgwick, Cynthia Wood (President)

Guest: Marge Swayne

Cynthia Wood opened the meeting at about 9:10 a.m. This proved to be an informal meeting. No votes were taken but consensus was arrived at on several initiatives presented by Cynthia.

Pricing of Members’ Work at CVA-Sponsored Exhibitions. Responding to concerns that have been raised about inconsistency in prices set by exhibiting artists at CVA-sponsored exhibitions, with some participants pricing their works notably lower than others, the board agreed that it is up to artists to set their prices as they see fit. Debbie McClintock mentioned that it’s important that artists understand when they set their prices for Riverside Café shows in particular that a commission of 30 percent of the sale price will be taken, 25 percent going to Riverside and 5 percent to CVA.

Open Studio Tour, Saturday, April 6. Paul Hoffman has sent a press release about the upcoming open studio event to the Herald. Participants Lisa Hoffman and Debbie and Richard McClintock plan to open their homes from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. to present and talk about their work. Light refreshments will be available at both venues.

Request for CVA Sponsorship from Jackie Paterson. CVA member Jackie Paterson has approached Cynthia with a request that the group sponsor a musicale, with Jim Kidd at the piano, that she is planning for 1 p.m. on June 8 at her home. The board approved this proposal, agreeing that CVA would provide publicity and refreshments, with members bringing the finger foods they excel at and the board providing beverages. Debbie McClintock will ask Jackie to convey information to Paul Hoffman for publicity. The board felt we could depend on Leslie Dennison to organize food. Cynthia will confirm.

Upcoming Publicity for CVA. Cynthia introduced guest Marge Swayne, who has written the cover story for the next issue of Farmville the Magazine. Marge’s subject is CVA, from its beginnings at Col Alto, the Buckingham home of artists Dr. Margaret Pennington and Dr. Bill Pennington, up to the present day. Farmville the Magazine is available both online and in paper format at various places around town.

Exhibition Opportunity at Hotel Weyanoke. Cynthia reported that Hotel Weyanoke employee Emily Pilk has brought up with her the possibility of a six-week exhibition of works by CVA members in the lobby of the Hotel Weyanoke and Effingham’s restaurant, to coincide with the Heart of Virginia Festival and Longwood’s graduation this year. Prospectus: About 25-30 2-d works of various sizes, for sale or not; members to submit up to five works apiece from which the Weyanoke will select pieces to exhibit. The board being supportive of this proposal, Cynthia agreed to work out details with Emily Pilk and send information on to Paul for transmission to the membership. Perks for CVA would include a wine and hors d’oeuvres reception May 3, the Friday evening before the Heart of Virginia Festival, at the Weyanoke’s Campagna bar and possible use of rooms at the hotel for workshops and lectures. CVA in turn may be called on to help the Weyanoke with a program having to do with FACES food bank sometime in June or July.

CVA Participation at Heart of Virginia Festival. Cynthia requested an opinion form the board as to whether CVA should have an information booth at the Heart of Virginia Festival. Consensus: No, this has not been of much interest to festival -goers in the past or of great benefit to CVA. It may be more beneficial if CVA member artists who elect to exhibit at the festival agree to stock CVA brochures at their booths.

All-Member Summer Exhibition at Atkinson Museum. Richard McClintock reported that, in order to accommodate the Atkinson Museum’s schedule for other planned exhibitions, CVA’s all-member summer show may start slightly later and run slightly longer than in the past. Richard wondered if CVA might consider having just two all-member shows annually, the summer one at Hampden-Sydney and the holiday one at Riverside Café. Details to be worked out in consultation with exhibits coordinator Rick Thomas.

Financial Report. Treasurer Paul Hoffman distributed copies of the income/expense report for the period 1/1/19–3/31/19 and the balance sheet as of 3/22/19. Current balance is $5,174.10.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned around 10:20. The board thanked Cynthia for hosting breakfast.

Next meeting: Monday, July 8 (note change from usual schedule)

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick

Minutes of the Meeting of the Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
January 7, 2019
Riverside Café

Present: Betty Fanelli, Susan Harwood, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Phyllis McKinney, Donna McRae-Jones, Robin Sedgwick, Donna Taylor, and Cynthia Wood. President Cynthia Wood called the meeting to order.

Treasurer’s Report. Paul distributed copies of the financial report including income and expenses from 7/1 to 12/31. He explained the banking fees and office supplies expenditures. The rest was routine. Then, Paul reported that he visited with Trent Nicholas of the VMFA by email, and that the VMFA considers the CVA to be current on lecture and workshop fees. The VMFA will invoice the CVA for future fees, and Paul just sent a check for the fall 2018 lectures (2) and workshop (1).

Membership Report. Paul shared the current membership roster with notes about the few previous members who had not yet paid their dues and a few that dropped their memberships. Currently, there are 79 members, and dues collected to date for this year are $1,115.00. After a motion by Donna Taylor, seconded by Susan Harwood, the Board agreed to make Angie Way an Honorary Member of the CVA.

Bylaws Revision. Cynthia reported that we are on track for the proposed revised Bylaws to be approved at the New Beginnings Party. Paul suggested that we have a handout with the list of officers and Board members who are to be re-elected at the New Beginnings Party with the staggered terms of the Board Members listed. Robin will produce the list and Cynthia offered to make copies for distribution. Susan suggested, and it was agreed that adding the terms of the Board Members to the website would save us research time in the future.

Exhibition Opportunities for CVA Artists.

  • Third Street Brewery Show. Susan reported that she visited with Audry Sullivan about the CVA doing a show at the brewery. The commission rate would be 35%. There is an agreement that needs to be signed for an all-member show from July 12 to September 30, 2019. The number of pieces will depend on the size of the artworks. Susan will be the contact for this show, and we will try to get artists to sign up through our emails.
  • MacCallum More Shows. The MacCallum More Juried Show is open to all artists, and last year Ursula coordinated a CVA All Members Show at the Chase City museum. The Board thought we should promote both shows to the members, and ask Ursula to coordinate the All Members Show again this year.
Farmville Magazine. Cynthia said she talked to Marge Swayne about a CVA story in the Farmville Magazine, and Marge agreed to write a story.

New Member Recruitment. Cynthia asked how we could recruit new members, especially younger members. It was suggested we contact the art departments at Longwood, Hampden-Sydney, and Southside to see if we could engage the art students. It was also suggested that we make the next December-January show at Riverside a college art student show. Someone noted that we offer a discounted membership of $10.00 per year for students. It was hoped that either Marianne Dennison or Mary Peca could coordinate this activity for the CVA.

Studio Tours. It was agreed to do two studio tours this year. The first would be April 6, and would include Lisa Hoffman, the McClintocks, and hopefully, Marianne Dennison. A second studio tour would be this fall and include Cynthia Wood, Ursula Burgess, and Donna Taylor.

Workshop Fees. Cynthia asked if we should consider raising the fees for workshops since we pay VMFA $150 for workshop presenters. It was agreed that an increase from the current fee of $15 was long overdue. After some discussion, Donna McRae-Jones made a motion, seconded by Susan Harwood, to raise the fee for workshops next season to $25 for members and $40 for non-members (which includes a one-year individual membership), and the Board agreed.

10-1-18 Meeting Minutes. Paul made a motion, seconded by Betty Fanelli, to approve the October 1, 2018, meeting minutes, and the Board agreed.

Preparation of Minutes. Minutes prepared by Paul Hoffman.

Next Meeting of the Board: Monday, April 1, 9:00 am, at Riverside Café. The Board also agreed to continue the quarterly meeting schedule on the first Monday of each quarter, 9:00 am, at Riverside Café.

Minutes of the Meeting of the 
Central Virginia Arts Board of Trustees
October 1, 2018 
Riverside Café 

Present: Ursula Burgess, Betty Fanelli, Paul Hoffman, Deborah McClintock, Richard McClintock, Robin Sedgwick, Donna Taylor, and Cynthia Wood; with a cameo appearance by Outings Coordinator Donna McRae-Jones (all coordinators were invited to attend)

President Cynthia Wood called the meeting to order around 9:15 a.m. She thanked the Hoffmans for hosting the festive September picnic.

Paul Hoffman distributed copies of the membership roster and his treasurer’s report. Current account balance is $5,461.62. So far this year only 50 members have paid dues (out of a membership of 96 last year). Board members might contact former members who haven’t yet rejoined.

Bylaws Revision: Before presenting detailed recommendations for bylaws changes made to bring the bylaws into correspondence with current CVA practice, Paul highlighted the most significant revisions he’s proposing:

  • Fiscal year to correspond with calendar year 
  • Annual membership meeting to occur on a “date established by the Board of Trustees in each year,” most likely at the New Beginnings event that has been taking place each January 
  • Positions of Treasurer and Membership Chair to be combined 
  • Term limits for officers abolished 
After discussion involving additional revisions and, in at least one case, reinstatement of an old procedure (Programs and Workshops coordinators still to report to the Vice-President), Deborah McClintock moved that the board accept the changes to the bylaws proposed by Paul and additionally made and approved at the meeting and that the revised bylaws proposal be circulated to the membership prior to a vote at the annual membership meeting. The motion was seconded and approved by unanimous vote.

Paul will circulate the updated bylaws document to the board for approval. He will send the proposed revised bylaws to the full membership sometime in December with the suggestion that they contact a board member with any comments and be ready for a vote in January.

Donna Taylor thanked Paul for his thoughtful and thorough work on the bylaws.

Unpaid Balance with VMFA: Ursula Burgess reported that she has not yet been able to get an answer from VMFA personnel about our unpaid balance for lectures and workshops. She cautioned that we need to keep a cushion in the treasury in case VMFA does not forgive the arrears. Having been alerted to the fact that payments weren’t made because apparently no invoices were sent, VMFA will in the future be sending bills for services, Ursula believes. Paul pointed out that a treasurer cannot make a payment without receiving an invoice.

Exhibition Opportunities for CVA Artists: Cynthia reported that Audrey Sullivan has endorsed the idea of a CVA show at The Brewery. Suggestion: approximately 28 works for an all-members exhibit to be installed by CVA and shown July 12 – September 3. Paul asked that we get clarification about costs involved with such a CVA-sponsored show. Richard McClintock pointed out that any member interested in an individual Brewery show should work through Audrey.


  • Richard McClintock will set up a members tour of the folk art exhibition now at the LCVA. Details to come via the newsletter. 
  • Cynthia talked up Fine Arts & Flowers, scheduled for October 25–28 at VMFA, with proceeds this year going to the inaugural tour of the new VMFA artmobile. Deborah’s garden club is going to VMFA for a tour of this exhibition and lunch on October 25. She will investigate and let Paul know if CVA members might be invited to tag along on this outing, and any opportunity to do so will be publicized through the newsletter. 
  • Cynthia brought up the possibility of CVA’s sponsoring a similar exhibition at LCVA, with CVA selecting works from the LCVA’s collection to serve as inspiration for flower arrangements by local volunteers. Possibly in summer? Possibly in the Main Street window gallery? 
Studio Tour: Cynthia is interested in reviving the artists’ studio tours that CVA last organized around 1992/93. A tentative date of Saturday, April 6, 2019, was set for a tour of possibly three studios in fairly close proximity. Featured artists would be available to talk with visitors, and hours each studio would be open would be scheduled. Paul will ask for artist volunteers in the newsletter.

Historian Position: Cynthia reported that the position is still not filled. Deborah will ask Angie Way if she’d be interested. To help whoever assumes the position, Deborah and Paul agreed to alert the historian when they’ve submitted press releases to the Herald.

Printed Invitations: Ursula asked whether CVA will continue to mail out printed invitations to exhibitions and events. Answer: Yes.

Minutes: Per a suggestion made by Paul, once minutes have been approved by the president and the board, they will be posted on the CVA website.

Minutes prepared by Robin Sedgwick, Secretary

Next meeting of the board: Monday, January 7, 9 a.m., Riverside Café